Facelift Surgery
Facelift is a surgical operation aimed at eliminating wrinkles and signs of aging such as jowls, ptosis, etc. The innovative SMAS facelift method allows to eliminate wrinkles and sagging and to correct the oval and contour of the face as well. SMAS plastic captures deeper structures, so the effect lasts much longer. In addition, after SMAS plastic facelift surgery, the face looks natural, there is no effect of skin tension, changes in the line of the mouth and the shape of the eyes. Facelift in Armenia is one of the most popular operations among patients aged 40+.
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Indications for facelift surgery
There are several indications of a facelift surgery that a person may experience leaving them more inclined to inquire about this common procedure. Many women and men seek consultation for this plastic surgery when they have one or more of the following:
- Decreased skin elasticity or sagging skin
- A double chin
- Excess fat deposits near the chin or jawline
- A lack of self-confidence
- Sunken or hollow cheeks
- Are not an ideal candidate for nonsurgical interventions such as botox
- Jowls

Types of Facelift Surgery And Neck Lifts
Traditional (SMAS – superficial muscular aponeurotic system) Facelift
The traditional Facelift can also be called a Full Facelift or a SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) lift. It is usually suitable for those with moderate to severe signs of face and neck ageing.
A full Facelift focuses on lifting the whole face and neck. It helps address signs of ageing, such as excess, loose skin and muscle laxity on the face and neck.
The procedure can take 3-4 hours to complete. It involves making incisions along the hairline, temples, and behind the ears to access the underlying SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) layer, which is a network of tissues that provide support to the face. Once this layer is exposed, it is carefully lifted, repositioned, and tightened to address any laxity. This step alters the contour of both the face and neck. Any excess skin is trimmed away, ensuring a tighter appearance.
Mid Facelift (Cheek Lift)
The cheek lift may be suitable for individuals who only want to address lax cheeks (nasolabial folds). A mid-facelift does not address jowls, excess neck skin, or any other areas of your neck.
The procedure starts with two small vertical incisions on each side of your face behind your hairline. Through this incision, your surgeon will grab the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system), pull it higher and fix it with sutures. They will also remove any excess skin and then close the incisions with sutures. The whole procedure takes around 2 hours to complete. The cheek lift is very similar to the S-Lift, however, the latter offers more extensive results that involve the jawline and upper neck.
Brow Lift or Forehead Lift
A brow lift is practically a type of facelift, in the sense that it lifts an important part of your face – your forehead. Since the different types of facelifts do not address the eyelids and the forehead, a brow lift might be suitable for some patients. A brow lift alters the appearance of forehead wrinkles and folds and pulls up your upper eyelids which may give you more alert eyes.
There are several techniques to browlifts, however, the “coronal lift” is the most commonly performed. A horizontal skin incision is done along your forehead hairline. The subcutaneous tissue is pulled up and fixed with sutures. The skin is pulled tight, any excess is removed, and the incision is closed with fine sutures.
Full Neck Lift
The full Neck Lift may be suitable for people who have moderate to advanced signs of ageing showing on their necks.
A neck lift incision compromises a segment of the full facelift incision. It usually starts vertically in front of your ear and extends around your earlobe, and then upward and backward along your hairline. Your surgeon will pull the subcutaneous tissue and fix it higher up to flatten the neckbands and give your neck a tight look. Any excess skin is then removed and the incisions are closed.
Single incision Neck Lift
A single incision Neck Lift (also called submental platysmaplasty) may be suitable for individuals who only have an isolated concern on their necks. Patients who may benefit from this procedure are those who have a small double chin, mild signs of ageing on their neck, some excess stubborn fat, and minimal skin laxity. Those with advanced signs of ageing and excessive skin may likely require a full Neck Lift (or a full facelift).
A single incision is made right under your chin prominence. Through this incision, your surgeon will pull the platysma muscle and deeper layers up and fix them with sutures. No skin is removed during the single incision neck lift, and the skin is left to redistribute itself.